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Università degli Studi di Bergamo
The EnSiEL Section of the University of Bergamo includes several competences that focus on research for the intelligent management of electricity and energy efficiency in smart homes, smart buildings and the tertiary sector; intelligent management and optimization of charging systems for electric vehicles. Further research topics are addressed to Prosumer through the management of demand...
Politecnico di Bari
The Politecnico di Bari is one of the three Italian public polytechnic universities of a scientific technological nature. It is located in Southern Italy and this position not only makes it very comfortable for the excellent climatic conditions and the natural environment, but also for the enviable position that makes Bari the gateway to Mediterranean and Asian countries, encouraging...
Politecnico di Milano
The EnSiEL Section at Politecnico di Milano focuses on several aspects of power systems, ranging from generation to transmission, to distribution and to final use of electricity, with reference to electrical machines, power converters and drives as well as to electric and electronic measurements methods, models, tools and devices. Today, national and world attention has...
Politecnico di Torino
The Torino unit of EnSiEL includes professors, researchers, PhD students and research assistants who operate in the Dipartimento Energia “Galileo Ferraris” (DENERG) of Politecnico di Torino. The specific topics of DENERG refer to energy and sustainable development, with the objective of improving the existing technologies for energy applications, promote new initiatives and contribute to the rational...


E-Distribuzione ed Ensiel in sinergia per progetti di ricerca innovativi sui sistemi elettrici