The objective of the MIGRATE project is to develop and validate innovative technologies to better manage and secure the Pan-European transmission grid in light of the increasing number of renewable energy plants connected to the grid through power electronics systems.
This is a project of significant international relevance, which involved the participation of 11 European Transmission System Operators (TSOs), 2 industrial players, and 12 research entities, including universities and European research centers. For EnSiEL, the involved universities are Padua, Pisa, Sannio, Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Naples “Federico II”, Genoa, the Politecnico di Milano, and the Politecnico di Torino.
Acronym: MIGRATE – Type of action: RIA – Proposal number: 691800.
H2020 – CALL LCE-6-2015 “Transmission grid and wholesale market”. Grant agreement no: 691800 – 2016-2019/duration 48 months.