E-HIGHWAY 2050: Modular Development Plan of the Pan-European Transmission System 2050

CALL [ENERGY.2012.7.2.1] Planning for European Electricity Highways to ensure the reliable delivery of renewable Electricity and pan-european market integration. Grant agreement no: 308908 – 2012-2015/duration 40 months (project financed with about 14 million euros).

EnSiEL, like the other partners, is selected to participate in the Consortium E-highway 2050 through an EC tender. The project is developed under the aegis of ENTSOE – European Network Transmission System Operators for Electricity.

The Project was attended by 28 International Partners, such as TSO, International Research Centers, Universities, Industrial players in the Electricity sector.

The E-HIGHWAY 2050 project is the answer to Energy project Infrastructure Package published by the European Commission (EC). It is aimed at the design of the pan-European Super-Grid, European strategic structure necessary for the creation of the Market Only European Electricity and de-carbonization of
production of electricity through the intensive use of sources renewable.

In this project at Ensiel in addition to specific research activities is the role of European Coordinator of WP1/Task5 has been assigned of the entire Project.

The Universities related to Ensiel involved in the activities were: Politecnico di Milano, Politecnico di Torino, University of Catania, University of Sannio.

The activities entrusted to ENSIEL concerned the analysis of the critical aspects of the “research/development/implementation system (RD & D) in the European context” and possible actions to support the development in 2050 of a future energy system based on the prevailing use of Renewable Sources and adequate to integrate European electricity markets. Commitment was also dedicated activities related to the new technologies available to 2050 by users.

Link al sito del progetto

Politecnico di Milano
Politecnico di Torino
UniversitĂ  di Catania
UniversitĂ  del Sannio
Course on Energy Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability in Small Municipalities
E-Distribuzione and EnSiEL Partner for Innovative Research Projects on Electric Systems
Notice of Company Participation in the Innovation Infrastructure Project Proposal for the PNRR-MUR Call
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