The TwinEU project aims to create a pan-European “digital twin” concept based on the federation of local digital twins. This will enable the energy infrastructure to be operated in a reliable, resilient, and secure way, while also accelerating the spread of renewable energy across Europe.

The main goals of the project are:

The EnSiEL consortium is involved in Work Package 6, “Demonstration of Digital Twins for Network Management, Operation, and Monitoring,” specifically in Task 6.3, “Defence Use Case System,” led by Terna Rete Italia. In this task, digital twins of high-voltage grid sections will be developed to simulate and evaluate specific system defense strategies, aimed at managing risks to grid stability and security, and preventing major events and blackouts. The simulations will be conducted using the Hardware-in-the-Loop technique, interfacing a real-time simulator with physical devices to test protection logics, control systems, and operational strategies in a protected environment under realistic conditions.

Call for proposal: HORIZON-CL5-2023-D3-01