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OSMOSE – Optimal System-Mix Of flexibility Solutions for Europe’s electricity

The project addresses the search for innovative solutions in the European energy sector to achieve increasingly sustainable energy. It involves the participation of 33 European partners, selected from among the most important international players in the field of electricity, including leading Italian entities such as the National Transmission System Operator (TERNA) and the ENEL company. On the research side, the project includes participation from leading research centers and some of the most prestigious European universities.

In this context, ENSIEL has engaged researchers from 11 of its 21 member universities: Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Milano, Politecnico di Bari; the Universities of Bologna, Genoa, Pisa, Cagliari, Padua, Sannio, Naples “Federico II”, and Campania “L. Vanvitelli.”

The project, with an investment exceeding 28 million euros, involves 9 European countries and includes the implementation of 4 pilot projects of extremely high technological level (TRL 8-9), one of which will be carried out in Italy. Ensiel is the most funded European EPR in the project.

Horizon 2020 – Call: H2020-LCE-2017-SGS. Type of action: RIA. Number: 773406 – Duration: 48 months – Start Date: 01 Jan 2018 – End 31 Dec 2021.

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