
Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna

Seat of the associated EnSiEL University

Via Zamboni, 33 40126 Bologna, ITALY



EnSiEL Section

c/o Department of Electrical Energy and Information Engineering (DEI)
Viale Risorgimento, 2
40136 Bologna, ITALY
(+39) 051 2093573

Mission and research areas of the EnSiEL section

The EnSiEL Section of the Bologna unit promotes and coordinates studies concerning different aspects of the production, distribution and use of electricity. In particular, the section conducts research activities in the field of insulation coordination of distribution networks, transmission stability and frequency oscillations in interconnected networks, analysis of electromagnetic transients and protection against overvoltages in medium and low voltage power lines, development of statistical and stochastic models for the management of distributed generation and storage resources, including charging units of electric vehicles with vehicle-to-grid technology (V2G), power electronic systems as grid interfaces based on power converters with high efficiency, compactness and current quality, development of power converters with silicon carbide switches, modular Multilevel Converters, converters for Wireless Power Transfer, transformerless photovoltaic converters, V2G for distributed power factor correction, stationary storage systems based on the regeneration and reuse of lithium battery discarded by electric cars.


Fabio Napolitano
Rappresentante di ateneo e responsabile di sezione
Fabio Napolitano
Tel: 0512093573
E-mail: fabio.napolitano@unibo.it

Affiliated professors

Andrea Cavallini
Andrea Cavallini
Tel: 0512093569
E-mail: andrea.cavallini@unibo.it
Davide Fabiani
Davide Fabiani
Tel: 0512093509
E-mail: davide.fabiani@unibo.it
Carlo Alberto Nucci
Tel: 0512093479
E-mail: carloalberto.nucci@unibo.it
Leonardo Sandrolini
Leonardo Sandrolini
Tel: 0512093484
E-mail: leonardo.sandrolini@unibo.it
Paolo Seri
Paolo Seri
Tel: 0512093481
E-mail: paolo.seri2@unibo.it
Simone Vincenzo Suraci
Simone Vincenzo Suraci
Tel: 0512093478
E-mail: simone.suraci@unibo.it
Angelo Tani
Tel: 0512093565
Fax: 0512093588
E-mail: angelo.tani@unibo.it
Roberto Tinarelli
Roberto Tinarelli
Tel: 0512093488
E-mail: roberto.tinarelli3@unibo.it
Fabio Tossani
Fabio Tossani
Tel: 0512093477
E-mail: fabio.tossani@unibo.it
Luca Zarri
Tel: 0512093572
Fax: 0512093588
E-mail: luca.zarri2@unibo.it
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