
Università degli Studi di Catania

Seat of the associated EnSiEL University

Piazza Università, 2 - 95131 Catania



EnSiEL Section

c/o Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica e Informatica (DIEEI)
Cittadella Universitaria,
via Santa Sofia, 64 – 95123 Catania
(+39) 095 7382339

Mission and research areas of the EnSiEL section

The EnSiEL Section of Catania is located at the DIEEI, which manages a diverse educational offering for students of different levels and carries out research and third mission activities.

Research activities are mainly focused on the following topics:

  • Analysis and management of power systems.
  • Analysis of integration challenges of Distributed Generation from renewable sources with the Medium and Low Voltage Distribution Grid.
  • Study of innovative structures and management methods for “Active” Distribution Networks and Smart Grids (analysis of autonomous and non-autonomous operation of Microgrids, Multi-Microgrid Networks, Energy Communities).
  • Study of innovative control, automation, and protection methods in Smart Grids (both Medium and Low Voltage).
  • Assessment of the impact of Electric Mobility systems on grid management and development of the Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) paradigm.
  • Development of methods and tools for evaluating the reliability and adequacy of traditional Distribution Networks and Smart Grids.
  • Smart Grids and Electricity Markets.
  • Monitoring and diagnostics of photovoltaic systems, development of models for environmental variable analysis and forecasting; photovoltaic/thermal systems, and the evolution of energy systems based on distributed generation from solar energy.
  • Numerical methods for fields and circuits; soft-computing and optimization; artificial intelligence; neural networks; photovoltaics; renewable energy; embedded systems.
  • Circuit analysis and modeling applied to power systems and power electronics.
  • Application of stochastic optimization, machine learning techniques, and numerical methods in various fields of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.


Stefania Conti
Rappresentante di ateneo e responsabile di sezione
Stefania Conti
Tel: 0957382604
Mob: 3207979297
E-mail: stefania.conti@unict.it

Affiliated professors

Antonino Laudani
Antonio Laudani
Mob: +39 3891545733
E-mail: alaudani@unict.it
Giuseppe Mangioni
Tel: 0957382380
Mob: 3385701586
E-mail: giuseppe.mangioni@dieei.unict.it
Giuseppe Scarcella
Tel: 0957382600
E-mail: giuseppe.scarcella@dieei.unict.it
Giacomo Scelba
Tel: 0957382319
Mob: 3346202201
E-mail: giacomo.scelba@dieei.unict.it
Santi Agatino Rizzo
E-mail: santi.rizzo@dieei.unict.it
Giuseppe Marco Tina
Tel: 0957382337
E-mail: giuseppe.tina@dieei.unict.it
Cristina Ventura
E-mail: cristina.ventura@unict.it
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