
Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”

Seat of the associated EnSiEL University

Viale Abramo Lincoln n. 5 81100 Caserta, ITALY



EnSiEL Section

c/o Dipartimento di Ingegneria (DI)
Via Roma, 29
81031 Aversa, ITALY
(+39) 081 5010204
(+39) 081 5010463-290

Mission and research areas of the EnSiEL section

The research unit carries out research in the areas of generation, distribution and final utilization in electrical power systems.

The activity is carried out both at national level in collaboration with some other Italian Universities and at international level with the University of Canterbury (NZ), the University of Edinburgh (UK), the University of Brno (CZ), the University of Dresden (DE) and with the University of Jaen (ES).

Concerning the collaboration with industry and regulatory bodies, the research unit has and has had scientific collaborations with Terna, Enel, Hitachi rail, CIRA (Italian Aerospace Research Center), Airbus and with the IEEE PES Task Forces, the Working Group of the UIE and the CIGRE on Power Quality.

The research unit operates proposing definitions, probabilistic models, algorithms and measurement and control techniques.

Specific field of interest are:

  • Power Quality and reliability of electrical power systems;
  • Smart Grids for the integration of distributed generation from renewable sources in electrical networks;
  • Study of new power electronic converters and their control strategies.


Roberto Langella
University representative and section manager
Roberto Langella
Tel: (+39) 0815010205
Mob: (+39) 3474773410
Fax: (+39) 0815037042
E-mail: roberto.langella@unicampania.it

Affiliated professors

Alfredo Testa
Tel: (+39) 0815010239
Mob: (+39) 3474352749
Fax: (+39) 0815010463/290
E-mail: alfredo.testa@unicampania.it
Luigi Rubino
Tel: (+39) 0815010317
Mob: (+39) 3343824114
Fax: (+39) 0815010463/290
E-mail: luigi.rubino@unicampania.it
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