
Università degli Studi di Pavia

Seat of the associated EnSiEL University

C.so Strada Nuova 65 27100 Pavia, ITALY



EnSiEL Section

c/o Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione (DIII)
Via A. Ferrata, 5
27100 Pavia, ITALY
(+39) 0382 985264
(+39) 0382 422583

Mission and research areas of the EnSiEL section

The EnSiEL Section at the University of Pavia focuses on various aspects related to electric power systems. Specifically, there are competencies related to developing models for planning and operating power systems, both regarding the transmission network and the distribution network at medium and low voltage levels. In this context, advanced skills are also present concerning the analysis of electricity markets, their modeling, and the development of innovative models to account for the evolution of distributed generation, the active role of demand, and the services provided by storage systems.

With specific reference to market model studies, the research unit in Pavia has developed competent models for simulating electricity markets on a European scale, thus paying particular attention to the analysis of the evolution of the European regulatory framework.

The research areas traditionally developed at the Pavia unit include the following:

  • Algorithms for network calculations in steady-state (power flow calculations) for both balanced and unbalanced three-phase systems,
  • Security of power systems,
  • Power flow optimization (Optimal Power Flow and Optimal Reactive Power Flow models),
  • Planning of transmission systems,
  • Planning of distribution networks and post-fault reconfiguration,
  • Algorithms for voltage regulation in transmission and distribution networks,
  • Modelling of electricity markets.

Furthermore, the Pavia Section is strongly committed to the development of applied research activities in the industrial field and technology transfer.


Cristian Bovo
Rappresentante di ateneo e responsabile di sezione
Cristian Bovo
Tel: (+39) 0382985259
E-mail: cristian.bovo@unipv.it

Affiliated professors

Alessandro Bosisio
Alessandro Bosisio
Tel: (+39) 0382985480
E-mail: alessandro.bosisio@unipv.it
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