The research subjects relating to the Genoa Unit concern the theme of smart grids, addressed in particular to the topics of conventional and renewable energy, the management of electrical systems, automation and control of electricity transmission and distribution networks with reference also to microgrids both on land and on board, to smart city and the rational use of energy in the industrial and civil sector.

The Unit is engaged as a Partner in European projects on the issues of resilience and interaction between electrical systems and ICT, in MiSE and MIUR projects on optimizing distribution by using data from electronic meters and distributed storage systems, on the virtual management of distributed energy resources and in numerous research projects with Italian Bodies and Institutions.

The Unit therefore operates on topics such as: management and optimization of the electrical system and the related energy and auxiliary services markets; control of the electrical system to prevent and combat blackouts; interaction of electrical systems and ICT systems, electrical distribution systems in the presence of distributed generation, storage and intelligent control of the load; Hardware in the Loop (HIL) applications; tools for real-time monitoring and management of electrical loads for rational use of energy. The Unit is also active in the sector of electrical energy applications in the naval sector in collaboration with FINCANTIERI and uses a joint laboratory with ABB Marine.

Therefore, themes such as Smart Grids & Sustainable Microgrids are developed, with a focus on: development of energy management platforms for building and urban district applications; scheduling algorithms for production and consumption optimization; decision support systems for sustainable urban planning; integrated BMS management systems – EMS for Smart City applications; applications of advanced non-linear control techniques for the primary and secondary control of microgrids in isolated configuration.

Integration of energy from renewable sources into electricity distribution networks, with particular reference to: application of non-linear control techniques and optimization algorithms to photovoltaic and wind generating units for the provision of ancillary services and for efficiency improvement energy and service quality; development of functional specifications of plant controllers for large-scale renewable generation connected to medium or high voltage networks; combined renewable source systems – storage units; development of advanced control platforms for frequency support from under-converter production units.

Modeling, simulation, and prototyping in the fields of static conversion of electrical energy, robotics and industrial automation, road, rail, naval and aerospace transport, using the latest IT tools and the most modern technologies.

The qualifying element is the design, characterization, prototyping and possible engineering of electronic and electromechanical devices and devices. Static energy converters, electric actuator drives, multiprocessor architectures for real-time control and data acquisition and processing systems are experimentally realized in the Laboratory.

Electromagnetic compatibility in electrical power systems, for: modeling of transmission lines and analysis of electromagnetic transients induced on them by lightning phenomena.