The EnSiEL Research Section of Calabria is hosted within the Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering (DIMEG) of the University of Calabria (UNICAL). The Section is made up of University Professors and Researchers belonging to the Scientific Disciplinary Sector of Electrical Systems for Energy (ING-IND/33), who are also part of the University Group of Electrical Systems for Energy (GUSEE).

The members of the Section carry out research and teaching activities in the fields of production, transport, distribution, use, distributed generation and renewable sources, market and quality of electricity.

In particular, attention is paid to activities relating to:

The aforementioned research activities translate into participation in industrial research and experimental development projects financed by the European H2020 program and national (PON) and regional (POR) competitive calls.

The Section also deals with the development and implementation of enabling technologies for Smart Grids:

The Section is responsible for the LAboratory of Electrical Systems for Energy and Renewable sources (LASEER). The Laboratory offers numerous services such as: consultancy and support to operators dealing with the distribution and transmission of electricity (DSO & TSO), to regulatory and standardization authorities in the field of electricity, to research institutions, to small and medium-sized companies, large companies and public administrations.