
“Sapienza” – University of Rome

Seat of the associated EnSiEL University

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5



EnSiEL Section

c/o Department of Astronautical, Electrical and Energy Engineering (DIAEE)
Via Eudossina, 18
00184 Roma, ITALY
(+39) 06 44585.540
(+39) 06 4883235

Mission and research areas of the EnSiEL section

Sapienza University of Roma is part of the EnSiEL from its origin. The most active Department has been and still is the Astronautics, Electric and Energetic Department and it is the main core University of Roma EnSiEL Section.

The Sapienza University of Roma EnSiEL Section has a long tradition of scientific studies and research in different fields of application of electrical energy systems addressed to main stakeholders of this sector. In fact, they range from innovative studies on electrical components, technologies and systems to the development of models for the analyzes of the electricity network planning and management.

In the framework of the ongoing green transition, EnSiEL Section of Sapienza University of Roma has consolidated and developed its research perspectives. Starting from the advanced and updated know-how of its components, it aims to contribute to the panorama of research on the most innovative topics, linked to the new challenges of the electrical engineering sector, including economic and regulatory aspects. Among others, EnSiEL Section of Sapienza University of Roma is conducting:

  • Studies and research for the development of systems and for the use of materials and technologies, including innovative ones, for the transmission, distribution and final use of electricity (HV, MV, HVDC, transformers, high voltage cables and lines, storage systems);
  • Studies and research in the field of diagnostics, reliability, resilience and health index of electrical components and systems;
  • Studies and research for the development of models to support the planning and management of electricity networks in the market context and with reference to the new regulatory context;
  • Studies and research for the integration of electric mobility systems, individual and collective, in electric power systems according to V2G and G2V logics;
  • Studies and research on microgrids, building automation and domotics from an energy community perspective;
  • Studies and research for the development of models to support assessments and increase energy efficiency in railway transport systems.

In combination with basic research, EnSiEL Section of Sapienza University of Roma also has a significant vocation towards applied and industrial research. In fact, it has stable and consolidated relationships with public and private, national and international companies, research institutions and public administrations. Through research projects and an industrial PhD school, participated in and financed by companies and entities in the electricity sector, it is the protagonist of a significant transfer of technology and knowledge towards the business world.


University representative and section manager
Massimo Pompili
Tel: 0644585538
Mob: 3484127240
Fax: 064883235
E-mail: massimo.pompili@uniroma1.it

Affiliated professors

Chiara Boccaletti
Tel: 0644585762
Fax: 064883235
E-mail: chiara.boccaletti@uniroma1.it
Tommaso Bragatto
E-mail: tommaso.bragatto@uniroma1.it
Luigi Calcara
E-mail: luigi.calcara@uniroma1.it
Federico Caricchi
Tel: 0644585549
Fax: 064883235
E-mail: federico.caricchi@uniroma1.it
Giulio De Donato
Tel: 0644585530
Fax: 064883235
E-mail: giulio.dedonato@uniroma1.it
Maria Carmen Falvo
Tel: 0644585505
Mob: 3922328338
Fax: 064883235
E-mail: mariacarmen.falvo@uniroma1.it
Mostafa Kermani
Mostafa Kermani
E-mail: mostafa.kermani@uniroma1.it
Marco Maccioni
Tel: 0644585540
Mob: 3206732518
Fax: 064883235
E-mail: marco.maccioni@uniroma1.it
Federico Marcolini
Luigi Martirano
Tel: 0644585592
Fax: 0644585698
E-mail: martirano@uniroma1.it
Cristina Moscatiello
Cristina Moscatiello
E-mail: cristina.moscatiello@uniroma1.it
Guido Rubino
Guido Rubino
E-mail: guido.rubino@uniroma1.it
Alessandro Ruvio
Tel: 0644585517
Fax: 064883235
E-mail: alessandro.ruvio@uniroma1.it
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