The EnSiEL Section at Politecnico di Milano focuses on several aspects of power systems, ranging from generation to transmission, to distribution and to final use of electricity, with reference to electrical machines, power converters and drives as well as to electric and electronic measurements methods, models, tools and devices.

Today, national and world attention has increasingly turned to the changing energy scenario, focusing on the use of RES, decarbonization, energy saving and energy efficiency: the Section is especially committed to such new perspectives, opening the view from the traditional research topics to the new economic, energetic and environmental challenges.

The EnSiEL Section at Politecnico di Milano gathers different competencies with the aim of being an active and proactive partner in the national and international R & D framework.

EPS group has a strong vocation for industrial cooperation and technology transfer, with leading national/international companies (public, private) and with local industries.